
The 功能恢复计划 (FRP) is an evidence-based treatment for chronic pain. The program consists of comprehensive care that is built to target all of the factors in 你r life that increase 你r pain.


  • 您是否患有慢性脊柱相关疼痛超过3个月?
  • 你有没有觉得没有人相信你的痛苦是真实的?
  • Are 你 tired of waiting for the next procedure or pill in hopes of feeling better?
  • 你对手术不感兴趣吗?还是手术后仍然疼痛?
  • 你是否觉得自己陷入了药物和注射的循环中?
  • 你想更好地控制自己的疼痛体验吗?
  • 如果有什么东西 能减轻你的疼痛,你想知道吗?

如果你的回答是 任何 of these questions, the 功能恢复计划 may be right for 你!

Have 你 ever pushed through pain 和 then needed to rest for days before 你 could get back on 你r feet? The FRP will teach 你 strategies to improve 你r function 和 reduce 你r pain. Your customized plan will allow 你 to get back to the things 你 want 和 need to be able to do.


  • 改善睡眠
  • 减轻疼痛
  • 减轻疼痛感
  • 利用营养来减轻疼痛
  • 了解疼痛是如何影响你的


  • 当你在健身房锻炼的时候
  • 在小组讨论中
  • 在与团队成员的单独会议期间


In this program, 你 will 工作 towards the goals that are important to 你. 这是否意味着专注于工作, 娱乐, 日常生活活动, 或者三者都有, 你 will focus on the activities 和 quality of life that are meaningful to 你. Our team will help 你 define these goals, 和 we can adjust them as needed throughout the program.

FRP教会了我关于慢性疼痛和它是如何工作的. 它改变了我对痛苦的看法,减轻了我的恐惧. FRP给了我将永远影响我日常生活的工具. 我知道该做什么,怎么做才安全. 我不再害怕过自己的生活.



许多患者与工作人员建立了令人难以置信的治疗关系. Over 75% of the patient feedback we receive states that the main strength of the program is the staff.

Our team of medical pain specialists partner with 你 throughout 你r participation. This allows 你 to ask questions 和 feel supported throughout 你r journey. Every person involved in 你r care 工作s together to ensure that 你 learn these important pain management skills.


  • 职业治疗师
  • 物理治疗师
  • 慢性疼痛专家
  • 护理协调员/社会工作者


在整个项目中,您还将参加每天的小组指导. 这些讨论由所有FRP团队成员提供. This education will help 你 better underst和 你r pain 和 what is happening in 你r body. 您还将讨论和实践不同的疼痛管理策略.


Enrollment into the program consists of multiple steps that we help coordinate for 你. 如果你有兴趣参加, it is good to get the process started at least 2 months prior to the program dates 你 would like to attend.



第一步是目标和身体能力评估(GAP). GAP期间, we meet with 你 to discuss what 你r pain is getting in the way of with regards to 你r 工作 life, 休闲的生活, 以及日常生活. 我们想帮助提高你的生活质量.


  • 讨论你的目标
  • 在跑步机上行走
  • 做一些轻量级的举重


  • 穿宽松的衣服
  • 穿运动鞋
  • 带上你所有的工作报酬或律师资料


Come to the 差距评估 with some goals of 你r own to discuss with the team. 以下是过去FRP参与者的一些目标示例.


  • 每天工作8小时
  • 做我的建筑工作
  • 举起我工作所需的重量
  • 坐或站一段时间


  • 去远足
  • 开车远行
  • 和我的孙子孙女一起玩
  • 骑我的马
  • 打猎还是钓鱼


  • 爬楼梯洗衣服
  • 系好鞋带
  • 洗碗
  • 不用别人帮我穿衣服
  • 站着准备晚餐
Daily morning warm up consists of multiple exercises, including knee lunges. 病人 develop their tolerance gradually which helps them 工作 towards their goals.


一旦你的目标确立, 你 will complete physical testing to determine what 你r current level of function is. 物理测试包括:

  • 运动测量范围
  • 跑步机测试
  • 吊装试验

这些信息将使我们知道您的GAP在哪里. 一旦你的测试完成, we will compare 你r functional ability to the level of function needed to reach 你r goals. If there is a gap between the two, 你 may be a good c和idate for the program.


下一步是体检许可. During this session, we'll ensure that it is medically safe for 你 to participate. 你会:

  • 来见见我们的疼痛专家
  • 做个简单的身体检查
  • 讨论任何健康问题
  • 讨论FRP的承诺


一旦你的GAP和医疗许可完成, 你 will meet with the program’s care manager to discuss 任何 logistical concerns 你 may have, 如:

  • 照顾儿童或长者
  • 食品安全
  • 当地的住宿
  • 停工文件
  • 旅费
  • 工人补偿批准(如适用)

我们知道从你的生活中抽出4周时间是很有挑战性的. 我们已经帮助数百名患者了解如何参与其中. 请允许我们和你一起集思广益.

当我开始的时候,我的整个生活都因为我所处的痛苦而停滞不前. 功能恢复计划让我重获新生.




患者常常担心他们无法忍受FRP. If 你 are worried that the FRP isn’t right for 你, we strongly recommend 你 complete the 差距评估 和 医疗上的许可 会话. 如果有必要,我们可以和你一起制定计划.

The best part of completing the assessment is that 你 will leave with a plan. 这种深入的评估将帮助你走上正确的道路. Even if 你 aren't sure about the program, the assessment will give 你 valuable information.

Some people fear that they won’t be able to spend a day being active in the gym. Remember, the 差距评估 has measures that will tell us if 你r endurance will allow this. Even if 你 aren’t ready for the program now, we will 工作 with 你 to get 你 there!


与其他治疗方法一样,玻璃钢也有“规定剂量”.“这使得它比其他治疗方法更有效. 研究表明,我们的结构允许长期的成功. 改变习惯, 力量建设, 减轻疼痛——所有这些都需要一些承诺, time, 和精力.

We underst和 that the fear of increased pain is a huge factor that contributes to how much 你 can do. By arriving at the program every day, 你 are one step closer to reaching 你r goals. 更重要的是, arriving on the hardest days gives our team the opportunity to help 你 through real-life situations 和 create a plan for when 你 are no longer with the team.

FRP为期4周,周一至周五,从上午8点到下午3点. 日常安排可以让你专注于你的目标并实现它们. 我们知道4周听起来时间很长. 我们鼓励您完成 差距评估 不管你的后勤问题. 用这4周的时间来关注你现在的需求, 你将能够在未来的生活中为其他人提供帮助.

一旦确定FRP是你下一步的正确选择, 我们的团队将与您合作,帮助您实现这一目标. 如果你担心旅行, 工作, 或者家庭责任, 我们的护理经理可以与您合作,帮助您找到解决方案.


4周的玻璃钢治疗只是治疗的开始. 这种习惯和心态的转变需要练习. Think of this program as a starting point in improving 你r chronic pain journey. 就像汽车一样, 你 will need maintenance to continue to take care of 你rself once 你 are out on the road.

FRP gives 你 the tools 和 helps 你 find where 你 can incorporate these tools into each day of 你r life. 一旦你完成了课程, 我们将继续跟进以确保你的计划是最有效的. 随着时间的推移,这个计划自然会有所变化. 我们鼓励您与团队保持联系.


是的! 你并不孤单! 每次FRP会议只包括5至8名与会者. This allows for peer support while also providing individual care when needed.

In fact, the group aspect of this program is part of why it is so successful for patients. 对很多病人来说, this is the first time that they are in contact with others who underst和 what they have experienced. Some patients find pain solutions through the experience of what others have tried.

Although this is a group program, each patient’s program is individualized to their needs 和 goals.

The 功能恢复计划 has multiple groups throughout each year. Specific dates are discussed after 你r assessment 和 certain criteria must be met prior to enrolling.


The 功能恢复计划 has multiple groups throughout each year. Specific dates are discussed after 你r assessment 和 certain criteria must be met prior to enrolling.

如果你有问题或者想预约, 请于周一至周五与我们联系, 早上8点到下午4点, 和我们的项目协调员谈谈.

You'll find the 功能恢复计划 phone number 和 address in in the 十大网赌平台推荐 drop-down box in the upper-right corner of this page.
