Urodynamics Testing

Urodynamics are tests that check how your bladder works, including the nerves and muscles. Testing is done both at rest and with activities such as coughing and increased abdominal pressure.

Types of urodynamic testing

There are several types of urodynamic testing. Your provider will discuss with you which ones may be appropriate:

  • Uroflowmetry evaluates your urination process. During this test, a doctor or nurse may:
    • Have you urinate into a toilet or commode with a scale and collection device
    • Observe your urination process
  • Cystometry uses a special catheter, while monitoring your bladder pressure and behavior as the bladder fills.
  • Electromyography measures your nerve and muscle activity with sensor pads placed around the anal area.
  • Leak point pressure measurements test your bladder when it is filled to different levels. During the test, you may be asked to cough which applies pressure to your bladder.
  • Voiding pressure-flow studies show how your muscles are working, as you empty your bladder with catheters in place.

After the tests

You may feel discomfort for a few hours after the tests. Your doctor will usually recommend drinking lots of water, taking a warm bath, or using a warm compress.

健康 information related to urodynamics testing

Please refer to the following articles about urodynamic tests for urinary incontinence on our 健康wise® 健康 Encyclopedia website: